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Work with us


If you are fascinated by the Real Estate sector or need new stimulation ? Are you looking for a brand that enhances your potential ?

Working with us means improving the quality of your life. You will enjoy the great freedom to organize your professional life and make a career with no set limits on earnings.

The skills, knowledge and abilities of professionals are critical to success. We prioritize the personal development of our team members with first-rate training to ensure you grow quickly.
With us you have the opportunity to turn your talent into success.
You will be able to work independently, but you will never be alone; our team will support you in all the different stages of pre- and post-sale activities with on-the-ground coaching
We always follow you, because Your success is our success
We have high technological standards that are pioneering for the industry, our web platform that will enable you to offer high quality service and effectively manage all phases of your business wherever you are.
We offer you a unique platform and the best professional tools
Working with us, guarantees you maximum visibility on all major real estate portals, with the goal of making the buying and selling process more efficient and enabling our agents to handle an increasing number of assignments.A winning basis for positioning yourself
Making yourself visible in the marketplace
With our innovative business model you will cut costs and benefit from an extraordinary increase in earnings. You will build a highly profitable business and provide excellent service to your customers
Proper recognition for your skills
Consistent and significant investments in marketing will allow you to focus more on the business you love: selling properties. You won't have to invest most of your time in finding new clients.
An essential aid to finding new customers
Having obtained the right experience, you will be able to build your team of employees. Your network of agents, which will allow you to exponentially increase turnover and earnings.
You will be able to satisfy ambitions for personal growth.
Tuscania Real Estate S.r.l..
Tuscania Real Estate società di servizi immobiliari con sede in Firenze, proprietaria del marchio TUSCARE, opera nel centro-nord Italia. Tuscania Real Estate ha promosso la nascita di Exire Real Estate SRL, nuovo player nazionale del global real estate per banche e special servicer. Grazie all’esperienza ultratrentennale del management, Tuscania Real Estate è dotata di un servizio legale, tecnico ed amministrativo dedicato alla propria clientela ed è specialista nei servizi del pre-vendita e post-vendita con vocazione sartoriale.
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